
Home Sleep Apnea Study

There is only one way to successfully diagnose sleep apnea: a sleep study. In the past, your only option for a sleep test was to go to a sleep lab for a sleep study. However, now you can get a sleep study in the comfort of your own bed and at the convenience of your own schedule. This is appropriate for most people, and it’s likely that your insurance will cover the cost at the same level of reimbursement as a sleep study at a lab.

At the Michigan Head & Neck Institute, sleep dentists Dr. Chad Witkow, Dr. Richard Klein, and their experienced team can help you get a home sleep study to conveniently diagnose your sleep apnea. This can help you get potentially life-saving treatment more quickly. Please call (586) 573-0438 or use our online form today to schedule an appointment at the Michigan Head & Neck Institute in Detroit, MI.

How a Sleep Study Works

A sleep study monitors your sleep to determine how well you are breathing and sleeping at night. Even people with severe sleep apnea often have no idea how frequently they are waking up at night. Only a sleep study can determine this.

The Michigan Head & Neck Institute partners with SleepTest to arrange your home sleep study. The steps to complete a sleep study are:

  1. Fill in application form
  2. Benefits check
  3. Telemedicine visit
  4. Sleep study at home
  5. Diagnosis

We’ll go into more detail about these steps below.

Fill in Application

First, SleepTest must get your information to apply for a sleep study. The form is easy to complete, and you do it online, which means you can do it when it’s convenient for you.

Benefits Check

Next, SleepTest will check to make sure your insurance will cover the cost of a home sleep study for you. In most cases, insurance companies actually prefer a home sleep test. That’s because it’s not just cheaper for you, it’s cheaper for them–and they know it’s at least as effective for most people. Similar deductibles and copays may apply.

Telemedicine Visit

Only a sleep doctor can prescribe a sleep study for you. Before you get a sleep study sent to you, you will talk to a SleepTest doctor to make sure it’s appropriate for you to get a sleep study. The doctor will also determine whether a home sleep study is likely to give good results, or if you will benefit from going to a sleep lab for testing.

Home Sleep Study

If appropriate, SleepTest will mail the sleep study hardware to you. The device is relatively simple to use, and it comes with clear instructions for how to perform the sleep study at home. In addition, website documentation and a well-staffed help desk can ensure you are able to use the sleep test properly. You will have to use it on two nights to make sure you collect enough verifiable data for a proper diagnosis.

Once you collect the data, send the hardware back to SleepTest.


Your sleep doctor will now look over the information from your sleep study. They will let you know if you have sleep apnea and how severe it is. In some cases, the sleep study might reveal that you need to go into a sleep lab for more detailed testing.

Who Is Not a Good Candidate for a Home Sleep Test

Most people can get a home sleep test. The only people who might not be a good candidate for this option are those who might have other sleep problems. If you have a history of other sleep problems, or if your doctor suspects other sleep disorders, then a home sleep study is probably not right for you.

Get a Home Sleep Study in Detroit

If you suspect you might have sleep apnea and want a sleep study to get diagnosed, the Michigan Head & Neck Institute can help. Please call (586) 573-0438 or use our online form to schedule an appointment with sleep dentists Dr. Richard Klein and Dr. Chad Witkow at the Michigan Head & Neck Institute in Detroit, MI.

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